Every year the FWTC Aggie Moms’ Club raises funds to provide multiple scholarships to deserving Tarrant County Students who are incoming Freshmen to Texas A&M University as well as Upperclassmen Aggies. We greatly appreciate your support of this effort!
The Fort Worth/Tarrant County Aggie Moms’ Club is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities to incoming and current Texas A&M students. Recipients will receive a $1,000 scholarship, applied to university tuition in equal amounts ($500) for the fall and spring semesters. The actual number of scholarships awarded is based on the amount of funds raised throughout the Aggie Moms’ Club program year, and thus varies from year to year.
We offer annual scholarships and they are administered and distributed by Texas A&M University. As an added benefit, students don’t have to go through an additional application process. Simply follow the instructions on the TAMU scholarship website and you will be considered for the Fort Worth/Tarrant County Aggie Moms Scholarships. Here’s the link: https://scholarships.tamu.edu/
The Fort Worth/Tarrant County (FWTC) Aggie Moms’ Club Scholarship program seeks to recognize and reward students who are:
- achievers in academics
- involved in purposeful activities outside of the classroom with emphasis on campus-based organizations, volunteerism, leadership, employment and service
Applicants must:
1. be a full-time undergraduate student or a graduating high school senior during the 2024-2025 school year;
2. reside in Tarrant County; undergraduate students must maintain their permanent address in Tarrant County;
3. meet the academic requirements established:
complete at least 12 hours each semester in the Fall and Spring
maintain a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA
remain in “good standing” with the University at the time of disbursement of scholarship funds, i.e., may not be on conduct or academic probation;
4. not have a relative on the Scholarship Committee which determines the recipients; and
5. reapply for continuing scholarships at TAMU each year between Oct 15th and Feb 1 to be considered again for our club scholarship at this link: uwide.tamu.edu (https://uwide.tamu.edu/)
Simply follow the instructions on the TAMU scholarship website. If you meet our eligibility requirements, you will be considered for the Fort Worth/Tarrant County Aggie Moms Scholarships. Here’s the link: https://scholarships.tamu.edu/